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AML M2 FAB - case report 2
Bone marrow analysis and cytochemical staining

Bone marrow analysis and cytochemical staining

Comment on this image collection: Rare megakaryopoiesis, erythropoiesis, and granulopoiesis. The marrow cellularity is substantially increased for the patient's age. There is a high-grade infiltrate of myeloid blasts in the marrow. These cells have a prominent nucleolus and some have nuclei with slight folding and a few have granulation. Cytochemical staining with Sudan Black B (SBB) was positive, while Non-Specific Esterase (NSE) and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) are negative. The cytochemical staining results suggest an acute myeoid leukemia of M2 subtype.

Type: cytology
Source: bone marrow
Staining: panoptic stain

(Magnification of the microscope lens X10)

Type: cytology
Source: bone marrow
Staining: panoptic stain

Type: cytology
Source: bone marrow
Cytochemical staining: Sudan Black B

Type: cytology
Source: bone marrow
Cytochemical staining: non-specific esterase

Type: cytology
Source: bone marrow
Cytochemical staining: non-specific esterase

Type: cytology
Source: bone marrow
Cytochemical staining: Periodic Acid Schiff

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