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The Sysmex Scientific Calendar
Sysmex Scientific Calendar 2008
Acute haemolysis
Extreme leukocytosis
Severe thrombocytopenia
Anaemia and erythrocytosis
Tumour cells
Acute leukaemia
Promyelocytic leukaemia
Reference scattergrams

The haematological emergency - Schistocytes - Calendar 2008 month 2

Schistocytes can be observed in many different diseases. They are often an indicator of a life-threatening condition, therefore it is crucial to report their detection in peripheral blood immediately.

In the reticulocyte channel of the haematology analysers SYSMEX XE-5000, XE-2100 and XT-2000i schistocytes can be identified and quantified separately from both normal erythrocytes and platelets

Leukoerythroblastic condition and schistocytes in a patient with colorectal carcinoma. The occurrence of schistocytes (->) in tumour patients is sometimes an indication of tumour infiltration of the bone marrow.

Cancer cells in the bone marrow of the same patient confirm the suspicion.

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