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The Sysmex Scientific Calendar
Sysmex Scientific Calendar 2007
Lymphatic cells
Inclusion bodies
Rare cells
Cytoplasmic protrusions

Arte?-Fact? - Bacteria - Calendar 2007 month 2

Bacteria and fungi on the blood film are usually artefacts. Common causes are contamination of the buffer or staining solution, or inadequately rinsed staining cuvettes. Bacteria and fungi, when detected in different blood films of multiple patients, are considered artefacts.

Bacterial aggregates on the blood film caused by contaminated staining solution (dark points).

Accumulation of streptococci on an erythrocyte of a patient in intensive care suffering from streptococcal septicaemia (to the right, a lymphocyte with a cytoplasm vacuole).

Epithelial cells in a drop of sputum containing streptococci (section of the background picture).

The barrel-shaped bacillus in the right granulocyte is Clostridium perfringens from a case of septic gangrene. (The reddish background is caused by massive erythrocyte lysis. The leukocytes are about to dissolve as well.)

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