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The Sysmex Scientific Calendar
Sysmex Scientific Calendar 2007
Lymphatic cells
Inclusion bodies
Rare cells
Cytoplasmic protrusions

Arte?-Fact? - Acanthocytes - Calendar 2007 month 4

Prolonged storage of EDTA blood modifies the erythrocytes. Within a couple of hours morphological changes can already be detected. Hence the preparation of the blood film needs to be made within 6-8 hours. If there is any doubt, the blood film must be repeated with a fresh blood sample.

Acanthocytes with protrusions of differing lengths and widths as seen in acute hepatic failure. (This may be caused by modifications of the membrane-bound proteins.)

Echinocytes ('sea urchin cells') of a normal person resulting from prolonged storage of the EDTA blood (24 hours).

Large number of echinocytes of a normal person resulting from prolonged storage of the EDTA blood (48 hours).

Acanthocytes in the presence of A-β-lipoproteinaemia. In cases of dysfunctional lipid metabolism, the composition of erythrocyte membranes is disturbed.

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